The warm welcome, supportive staff, as well as the encouragement provided by the team, was superb. docx from CULS 100 at Culinary Institute of America. "On behalf of the Center for Education Programmes, I would like to express our deepest appreciation for this successful collaboration between the two units. This collaboration between Food Science and Technology and the Center for Education Programmes was a success and one that will be continued. These practical activities were centered around three main themes "A Breakfast Buffet", "A Hawaiian Luncheon" and " A Trini Christmas". Our most recent collaboration has been between the Center for Education Programmes where FS&T provided the Food Kitchen Laboratory and our Technician’s support to deliver the practical components for the course FOOD3016, Culinary Fundamentals II. If successful, dual enrollment will give the students upon successful completion of the courses Yavapai Community College Credit.The Food Science and Technology (FS&T) Unit is continuously developing their laboratory facilities with respect to the technical capabilities and support that can be provided not just to the students of the FS&T Programmes but also other Centers and Programmes at The University of Trinidad and Tobago. VACTE is working with a new teacher with the goal of qualifying the programs for dual enrollment. Also, Camp Verde High School has a culinary facility on its campus. However, because of travel time and schedules, it is currently not feasible for them to take classes there. Note that Camp Verde High School students are eligible to enroll in VACTE culinary classes at the Sedona Center.

All of the high school students will be taught at the Sedona Center. VACTE: The fall enrollment data for high school students enrolled in culinary training at the Center through the Valley Academy for Career and Technology Education (VACTE) as of August 18, 2022, show that 40 students have signed up for the available 64 open spots. In October, an additional three eight-week classes are currently scheduled for adults, including:

As of the first day of class, the College reported that it had filled 29 of 48 available seats for these classes. Yavapai Community College has offered three adult culinary classes for the fall 2022 at the Sedona Center to begin in August.
So far, adults have filled 29 of 48 available seats additional three 8 week adult classes also scheduled for October The 6th edition expands its fundamentals approach, reflects key trends, and adds information on healthy cooking, sous-vide, curing, and smoking, plus dozens of new recipes and more than 200 new photographs.